Taking continuous learning capability as core competitiveness in Kinlong, the demands and trainings for talents are powerful guarantees for a company’s survival and rapid development. Based on different developed stages, duration from freshman to promotion, we design distinct, scientific and sustainable training scheme for every employee. HR equips our personnel with different courses in different period and direction, ranging from freshman’s learning, on-the-job training to promotion, such as employee on boarding, management practices, technology research and development, IE, quality inspection, spoken English and so on. As a member of Kinlong, you will find suitable courses for yourself and we believe that only by continuous learning can we keep alive and progress constantly.
Since it is an important mission for our administrative department to build a learning organization, we have been making efforts to build a special learning atmosphere for Kinlong. So far there are over 100 internal tutors in Kinlong with nearly 150 hours of internal courses monthly, and thousands of personnel receive their training yearly. With our unscheduled technique contest and skill assessment, the personnel will put what they learn to practice, and the training will be more pragmatic to job requirement. We aims at building a continuous learning atmosphere, at the same time, we will perfect and promote our courses to make them more pragmatic.
To meet the demand of informatization, from manual works to information system database, HR department has been work constantly to perfect the building of information management platform. In 2016, we introduced the E-learning training and management system, systematizes the training management and networked the courses learning, which is convenient for the personnel’s learning and advancement.
Unique value can only be created by professionalism and speculation has no future. Under the leadership of Kinlong’s philosophy, we are keeping forging ahead steadily and constructively.