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Kinlong has been involved in the 2022 World Cup Qatar!

The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is the 22nd World Cup, that is the first time that the World Cup was held in Qatar and the Middle East countries, and also the second time was held in Asia. The matches will be held from November 20th 2022 to December 18th 2022 in 8 venues in Qatar. Kinlong products were fortunate enough to be used on many venues to help the grand event to be held successfully.


kinlong Hardware has been involved in the 2018 World Cup!

The 2018 World Cup (2018 FIFA World Cup) is the 21st World Cup, it is the first time be held in Russia and also the first time be held in Eastern European countries. The matches will be held from June 14, 2018 to July 15th in 12 venues in 11 cities in Russia. kinlong Hardware products were fortunate enough to be used on many venues to help the grand event to be held successfully.


The First Set of “Inward Opening Window Hardware” Used for the Standard U Groove Tilt and Turn Sash Successfully Passed the IFT Certification

After more than one year's continuous exploration, test, and based on the structure design innovation and production process improvement, KIN LONG's first set of "Inward Opening Window hardware" used for the standard U Groove Tilt and Turn Sash accumulated steadily and passed the domestic certification at IFT testing in the first trial, thereby, becoming the first of its kind to pass the test.

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